Thursday, February 25, 2016

Response to Robert Reich's Arguments for Bernie Sanders

Point 1 - I agree. I think Trump and Cruz are, by far, the worst candidates in the field. Rubio actually beats either Hillary or Bernie pretty easily in most polls. Kasich and Carson poll better than these two also.

Point 2 - It's Congress's job to vote for or against the president's bills - It's NOT their job to just "agree" with the president. This would get rid of checks and balances. Republicans were elected by the people as well.

Point 3 - "Bailouts of Wall Street" were actually the bank bailouts - which is probably what saved the economy in 2007 - and Obama and Hillary both voted for them. Pretty much all of this money has been paid back to the Gov't by the banks.

Regarding "Socialism for the wealthy," The USA has the highest top corporate income tax in the world at 39%. The top 20% of income earners pay 84% of US taxes (Link).

Points 4 and 5 - Higher taxes will pay for free healthcare for all and free college for all. First of all, it's important to remember that 90% of Americans are insured (Link). Yes, there are huge problems that we need to fix, and we need to get insurance to the uninsured. However, free health care doesn't always work well in these mentioned countries:

"Martin Samuels, the founder of the neurology department at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, found this out when he worked as a visiting professor in Canada. 'The reason the Canadian health care system works as well as it does (and that is not by any means optimal) is because 90% of the population is within driving distance of the United States where the privately insured can be Seattled, Minneapolised, Mayoed, Detroited, Chicagoed, Clevelanded and Buffaloed,' Samuels wrote recently in Forbes. 'In the United States, there is no analogous safety valve.'" (Link).

Also , it's funny how he mentions France, but doesn't mention their complete economic collapse in the past 5 years for a 75% tax on the rich. Holland also had a similar tax which ended just as badly. The super rich aren't stupid people - so they simply moved out of France and Holland and took their businesses with them (Link).

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